Hayat Hotel and Restaurant

Hayat Hotel and Restaurant

Restaurants in Timergara, Khyber pakhtunkhwa

Restaurants Hotels Bed & Breakfasts

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Sabaoon Chowk, Bypass Road
Timergara , Khyber pakhtunkhwa 18300 PAKISTAN

About Hayat Hotel and Restaurant

As we know that Guest are those people who pay the salaries of the Hotel Staff, keeping in view the importance of guests in the hotel industry, a training was conducted by me for the staff of Hayat Hotel and Restaurant Temargara District Dir lower -KP on the following topics.
1. Front Office Management
2. Restaurant Management
3. House Keeping
4. Room Service
5. Professional ethics

The staff of Hayat Hotel and Restaurant took keen interest in all sections of training for the promotion of business and development of guests care service.


Hayat Hotel and Restaurant 0945823403
Sabaoon Chowk, Bypass Road
Timergara , Khyber pakhtunkhwa 18300 PAKISTAN
Hayat Hotel and Restaurant

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Hayat Hotel and Restaurant
Not Rated
affordable hotel,  restaurant,  banquet hall hotel
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Hayat Hotel and Restaurant

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